Tallahassee Micro-Markets | Fresh Food | Employee Morale

Make Snacking Easy: How The Quality Companies Food Options Save You Money in the Tallahassee Break Room

Workplaces are changing, especially since the pandemic. There are more staff working from home or coming into the office only a few days a week. That makes it tricky to keep Tallahassee break rooms stocked with great food options. Plus, cafeterias are expensive and have a lot of unused food that gets thrown away. But don’t worry, we can help! At The Quality Companies, we’ll work with you to provide snacks and food your team will love without waste or hassle. It will have your team coming back to the office happy.

From Cafeterias to Micro-Markets

Cafeterias cost a lot of money to run. Between food waste, extra staff, and managing, it may no longer be the best break room option for you. Instead, try a Tallahassee micro-market. It’s like a mini store on site with lots of crave-worthy food options. Plus, it’s open all day, everyday, thanks to self-checkout technology. It’s easy to shop in the market and pay using the touchscreen.

We change up the food menu for your team regularly to keep it a delicious perk. And there’s always a favorite snack option ready, including healthy alternatives to try. The Quality Companies stocks the market for you and manages it, so it’s an easy solution that gives your team food options galore.

Vending Machines With Food Options

If you have a smaller team, a food vending machine might be right for you. Today’s Tallahassee vending machines are nothing like the vendors of old. Today’s look better and offer a wide range of food options. Not to mention, they take cashless payments. That makes it easy for employees to grab a snack or meal whenever they need it. Some vending machines can even offer ice cream, a cooling treat for summer months. Trust our vending machines to have what your employees need.

Tallahassee Food Vending | Office Drink Solutions | Subsidizing

On-Demand Drink Options

Both vending machines and micro-markets offer cold drinks around the clock. It’s perfect for employees who need a quick hydration boost. But what about office coffee? Try going with a new single-cup coffee brewer. That way, every cup is fresh and tasty. Plus, there’s no wasted, stale coffee to toss at the end of the day. We can help you set up a Tallahassee office coffee service that works best for your team.

Subsidizing Food Options

When replacing a cafeteria, it’s best to help your team with food costs. That’s why we offer a way to subsidize the products in your Tallahassee micro-market or vending machine. Put a certain dollar amount in your employee micro-market account each month. Or, put the vending machine on free vend and cover the products consumed. We will provide a detailed invoice that makes it clear what you’re covering. There are even ways to lower the price by paying for part of the product costs. In the end, we have lots of options for you.

Still want to offer staff cost-free food? Try office pantry service where we find snacks, drinks, or food items to stock in your break room. You set the budget and we make it happen. It’s one invoice with no staffing or ordering hassles. It’s a great way to make employees feel appreciated, which means they come to work happier. And it’s more affordable than running a big cafeteria!

So, are you ready to save big on your Tallahassee office refreshment services? Contact The Quality Companies to get started! We have all the break room solutions you need in one place. Call us at 850-576-4880.

Employee Wellness Tallahassee | Fresh Food | Food Vending

Fuel Up: Ways The Quality Companies Can Support Your Tallahassee Employee Wellness Journey

With the summer here, The Quality Companies is focused on wellness. We have a lot to offer your employees in the break room that can help them meet and even beat health and wellness goals. Keep reading for the products and services you can add to energize your team in all the right ways.

Wellness Driving Foods

Fresh food is a wellness must. We can make it happen in your break room with a Tallahassee micro market. The cooler has lots of room for top-quality foods made fresh. Your staff will be able to grab a salad, veggie-filled wrap, seasonal fruit, and more. It’s a great way to get whole foods at lunch or for a snack.

Make the healthy items even more desirable with a subsidy. Pay to make the good-for-you options the cheaper ones. Employees will love it and be more likely to choose what’s nutritious. Or, push the benefit even more with office pantry service where all the snacks and food are free.

Micro markets aren’t the only way to bring in healthy food. Vending machines can be stocked with nutritious snacks too. Jerky, keto-friendly, and even vegan treats are popular in Tallahassee vending service. Plus they are great for supporting well-being.

Tallahassee Self-Pay Markets | Office Water | Employee Wellness Perks

Drinks to Support Health

It’s summer and with the heat, employees are at greater risk for dehydration. That’s why we offer a wide range of cold beverages perfect for replenishing the body. Check the Tallahassee micro market for sports drinks, vitamin waters, fruit juices, bottled water, sparkling water, and milk options that replace electrolytes. Fortunately, many of these drink options can also be in cold beverage vending machines. Ask us about what’s right for your location.

How is your office water? Why do we ask? It’s because water is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. It’s all natural with no calories and boosts many bodily functions. That includes mood. So get your staff hyped to drink more water with a water filtration service from The Quality Companies. It will remove unpleasant-tasting chemicals and particles that are dissolved in your water. What comes out of the tap, hot or cold, is delicious, pure-tasting water. This is perfect for office coffee service users too. Use filtered water in coffee brewers for a truer flavor to gourmet blends.

Wellness Partners in the Break Room

Take the hard work out of supporting employee well-being with The Quality Companies. We have a mix of snacks, food, and drinks that will please your staff. This lets them choose healthier options while they work, which is a bonus for retention and productivity.

Get in touch with The Quality Companies today for more information on our wellness programs. From fresh food markets to water filtering systems, we can make the break room a wellness perk. Call 850-576-4880 now to learn more.